Legends of the Time Trial

A pictorial directory of British time trial cyclists, past and present

Mens HillClimb Championship results 1947

VicClarkCoventry Cc3.23view photo
BobMaitlandSolihull CC3.31view photo
HaroldWorthenManchester Clarion C & AC3.31view photo
DickWooreManchester Clarion C & AC3.35view photo
JDSpinkWest Bradford3.39view photo
LDHobsonSheffield Phoenix CC3.39view photo
EMitchellSouth Lancashire RC3.40view photo
AJHuntBroad Oak RC3.41view photo
SGascoigneSheffield Phoenix CC3.41view photo
DNeildManchester Clarion C & AC3.42view photo
KMoorbyManchester Clarion C & AC3.44view photo
BennyFosterEast Midlands Clarion3.45view photo
JHoodStockton Wheelers3.48view photo
LHDoddSheffield Phoenix CC3.48view photo
WLinleyKiveton Park CC3.48view photo
JSpencerWest Pennine CC3.48view photo
PGDugganLeeds St Christopher CCC3.48view photo
AStokesNotts Castle BC3.49view photo
RDriverBramley Wheelers3.50view photo
GBakerKiveton Park CC3.52view photo